Thursday, October 23, 2008

Last night Lucas did KTA kicks Leukemia, a fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. His school raised over $2400 and he personally raised $81. The participants had to kick as many times as they could in one minute. He got 81 kicks!

This weekend I am going to vote! I'm also tying up a lot of loose ends at work since I'll be starting my new job on Thursday next week. My parents also leave Thursday for their Mediterranean cruise and will be gone for two weeks.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


We had parent teacher conferences last night. Eric couldn't go but Ross and I went. I am so proud of the boys and everything they've accomplished this year. They are both such great students and role models to their fellow students. It helps that they have great teachers, but we all feel so lucky and blessed to have such wonderful boys.


We went to ZooBoo on Sunday with Abby, Nool and their girls. Lucas dressed up as JangoFett from Star Wars and Max is Iron Man. They were a little leery because when we walked up not many kids were dressed up. There were a bunch of kids in costume when we got inside so that made them feel a little bit better!

Friday, October 17, 2008


It's been a month or so since I've posted! These pictures are from the Fishers Renaissance Faire the first weekend in October at Conner Prairie. One of my friends did the costumes and music so we went to support her and see the sights.

Lucas turned 10 on October 1. We're just now celebrating his birthday this weekend. Saturday morning we're doing some fundraising for KTA via volunteering at an aid station during the Indianapolis Marathon in Lawrence. We've managed to gather 10 people to help and will raise $135 for Lucas's taekwondo school. After that we're taking a couple of his friends downtown to Jillian's for some games and dinner. Sunday we're going trick or treating with the animals at ZooBoo at the Indianapolis Zoo.